Lots has been written on the importance of repurposing content and so on. Similarly at Prayag, we have been proposing the same for our clients as there is only a limited amount of original content that can be generated periodically owing to bandwidth and time pressures. Moreover with the multiple channels available to marketers today, it sure makes sense to maximize them and one way to do that is to repurpose content. The content that can be repurposed has to be substantive and significant like whitepapers, case studies, PoVs, research reports etc. This blog highlights the work we did with a global IT giant in this area as part of their India marketing campaigns.
3 simple ways to get ideas for content generation
Is generating quality content periodically one of your responsibilities at work? And is that a problem area for you? Let me guess – scarcity of ideas, inadequate writing skills and lack of bandwidth to invest time and effort in developing the content are some of your bugbears. Sounds familiar – don’t worry – there is a way to get around these issues. This blog suggests 3 simple ways to deal with the first issue – I.e. generating ideas for relevant content –
Technology brands – noun or a verb?
Technology has become a key part of our lives today undoubtedly. Not a day passes without you downloading your emails, or logging on to Facebook or a similar social media networking site or using google to look up some information. In fact, names of some technology brands have crept into our vocabulary too.